presented by Vision Long Island and the Long Island Main Street Alliance

Tawaun Weber
Assistant Director


Tawaun D. Weber graduated from Hofstra University in 2002 where she acquired a B.A. in Computer Science with a minor in physics. She is also a graduate of the Energia Partnership, which is a regional stewardship program through Molloy College consisting of leaders across Long Island trying to affect change. Since 2006, Tawaun has headed the Gordon Heights Visioning as Project Coordinator. She has also founded and serves as Chair to the Gordon Heights Visioning Steering Committee, acting as its key representation in the implementation of plans to redevelopment a downtown revitalization center to spark economic growth within her community. She also formerly served as President of the Greater Gordon Heights Civic Association. Throughout her employment with the Town on Brookhaven, Tawaun has served as a Women’s Resource Advisor, Secretary to the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation as well as the Zoning Board of Appeals. Tawaun joined Vision Long Island in June 2008 as Director of Special Projects. She has since advanced to Assistant Director. Tawaun has overseen aspects of community visionings (charrettes) and projects including outreach, advocacy, housing, transportation, and grant writing. She has participated in advocacy efforts on Federal, State, County levels to ensure that funding is provided to projects that are in line with the principals of Smart Growth. Tawaun Weber has been the recognized by Newsday as a civil rights leader on Long Island. She is also the proud recipient of the Gordon Heights Fire Department Chief’s Award for community leadership and the Harrison Hale Community Action Center Awards for community service.

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